Selasa, 21 Februari 2012


Indonesia has 10% of the world's tropical forests remaining. Although its land area is only 1:32% of the land area on Earth's surface, however, extremely high biodiversity (megabiodiversity). According to data, from thousands of species of flowering plants, 10% of them are in Indonesian forests. Similarly, 12% of the total species feeding species in the world, 16% of the total species of reptiles and amphibians, 17% of the total bird species and 25% of the total species of fish. Even for species of birds and fish, many species are endemic, because this type can only be found in Indonesia. So the problem, in recent years Indonesia's forest area continues to decline. Currently, Indonesia has lost its original forest cover by 72% [World Resource Institute, 1997]. The cause is the main thing is uncontrolled logging, so that tropical forests in this country experienced an extraordinary depreciation. All this happened due to licensing of industrial forest exploitation and the practice of clear-cutting (land clearing).

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011


Garbage is basically a wasted or discarded material from a source of human activity and natural processes that have no economic value, can even have a negative economic value because of the good handling to dispose of or clean it requires a considerable cost.

Waste and its management has become an increasingly urgent problem in cities in Indonesia, because if not done good handling balance will result in adverse environmental changes or unexpected so that it can pollute the environment both on land, water and air. Therefore, to overcome the problem of pollution treatment and control necessary to waste. Handling and control will become increasingly complex and complicated with the increasing complexity of the type and composition of waste in line with the more advanced cultures. Therefore the handling of waste in urban areas is relatively more difficult than the garbage in the villages.

Senin, 06 Juni 2011



Penulis : Ir. Nugroho Widiarto, M.Si.
             (Pegiat Ekologi Pusat Pengelolaan Ekoregion Jawa) 
            Artikel sudah mendapat persetujuan dari Penulis, untuk dipublikasikan di blog ini.

Permasalahan Lingkungan
Kualitas lingkungan di tingkat lokal, regional, nasional maupun global dari waktu ke waktu semakin menurun dan telah mengarah pada bencana lingkungan. Pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan yang terjadi yaitu : Pencemaran air oleh limbah industri dan limbah rumah tangga (domestik), Pencemaran udara di kota-kota besar, Pencemaran limbah domestik dan sampah, Kontaminasi dari bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3), Kerusakan ekosistem hutan, Kerusakan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), Kerusakan ekosistem danau dan situ, Kerusakan ekosistem pesisir dan laut oleh abrasi dan pencemaran, semakin meluasnya lahan kritis, kerusakan terumbu karang data yang sempat terekam 14% dalam kondisi kritis 46% mengalami kerusakan 33% dalam kondisi baik dan hanya 7% kondisinya sangat baik, Kerusakan lingkungan akibat kegiatan pertambangan, Pemanasan bumi, Penipisan lapisan ozon dan Bencana lingkungan yang silih berganti seperti banjir dan longsor, kekeringan, kebakaran hutan dan lahan, alih fungsi lahan, tata ruang dan persoalan kelembagaan pengelola lingkungan.