Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011


Garbage is basically a wasted or discarded material from a source of human activity and natural processes that have no economic value, can even have a negative economic value because of the good handling to dispose of or clean it requires a considerable cost.

Waste and its management has become an increasingly urgent problem in cities in Indonesia, because if not done good handling balance will result in adverse environmental changes or unexpected so that it can pollute the environment both on land, water and air. Therefore, to overcome the problem of pollution treatment and control necessary to waste. Handling and control will become increasingly complex and complicated with the increasing complexity of the type and composition of waste in line with the more advanced cultures. Therefore the handling of waste in urban areas is relatively more difficult than the garbage in the villages.

Problems often arise in the handling of municipal solid waste is a matter of high operating costs and the difficulty of space suitable for disposal. As a result of high operating costs, most cities in Indonesia is only capable of collect and dispose of ± 60% of all production waste. Than 60%, largely handled and disposed of in a way that is not sanitary, wasteful and polluting (Daniel et al., 1985).

To get the level of effectiveness and high efficiency in the handling of garbage in the city then in its management should be quite feasible that once accompanied the efforts so that their utilization is expected to have the advantage of added value. To achieve this it is necessary to the selection of appropriate technologies and means, needs the active participation of community resources from waste and may need to be cooperation between government agencies (the Department of Cooperatives, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry as well as financial institutions). Besides, it also needs to be used as guidelines for the legal aspects of regulations regarding the environment for tackling environmental pollution caused by waste.

To support sustainable development it is necessary to find a way waste management is good and right through careful planning and controlled in the form of an integrated waste management.
Operating System Current Solid Waste Management.
In general, urban waste management activities conducted through three stages, namely: collection, transportation and final disposal / processing. Stages of the activity is a system, so that each stage can be called as a sub system.

Defined as the collection of waste management from the place of origin to the Dumpster before heading to the next stage. At this stage used means of assistance in the form of garbage, trash, trash containers, wheelbarrows and Dumpster (TPS / Dipo). To undertake the collection (without sorting), generally involves a number of workers who collect garbage every time period.

Stages of the transport is done by means of specific assistance in the form of transportation to the place of final disposal / processing. At this stage also involves the power at a certain time period to transport waste from landfills while into landfills (TPA).
At the stage of final disposal / processing, waste processing will experience physical, chemical or biological such that the complete settlement of the whole process. Sidik et al (1985) suggests that there are two processes the final disposal, namely: open dumping (landfill openly) and sanitary lanfill (disposal in a healthy manner). In the open dumping system, garbage dumped in a particular area without the need for ground cover, while on the way of sanitary landfills, garbage piled in layers alternating between layers of litter and soil as a cover.
Waste that has been stockpiled at the site of final disposal (landfill) may have advanced the process. Technology used in advanced processes commonly used are:

1. Combustion technology (Incinerator). In this way the resulting byproducts of scrap metal (scrap) and vapor can be converted into electrical energy. Another advantage of using this tool are:
a.  Can reduce waste volume ± 75% - 80% of the sources of waste without segregation.
b.  Ash or slag from combustion is quite dry and free from decay and can immediately be taken to the dump on vacant land, swamp or low areas as pengurug materials, and on a fairly large installation with a capacity of ± 300 tons / day can be equipped with electricity generation so that electrical energy (± 96 000 MWH / year) produced can be utilized to reduce the cost of the process (DKI Jakarta Sanitation Office, 1985).

2. Composting technology to produce compost for use as fertilizer as well as reinforcing the soil structure.

3. Recycling technology that can generate a potential waste, such as: paper, plastic, metal and glass / glass.
Waste Management System Issues Old
Some problems that may arise in the waste handling in the old system, namely:

1. In terms of garbage collection is less efficient because it starts from the source of waste to landfills, garbage has not been sorted out so that if it will apply advanced technology in the form of composting and recycling have the energy to sorting by type as needed, and this will require funds and time consuming.

2. Final disposal to landfill can cause problems, including:

a. Need a great land for landfills (TPA), so only suitable for the city that still has a lot of unused land. Moreover, when the city is becoming increasingly more population, then the trash will be increasing both the number and type. This will increasingly also land area for landfill. Incinerator installation if there can not offset the amount of waste entering the number timbunannya progressively increased. Then fear will arise a variety of social and environmental issues, including:
- May become fertile ground for breeding other types of bacteria and other germs;
- Can cause odor that may smell of tens or even hundreds of meters, and
- Can reduce the aesthetic value and beauty of the environment.

b. Very high operational costs for collection, transportation and further processing. Moreover, when the location of the landfill and not much in the autonomous region.

c. Disposal of open dumping system may cause some negative impacts on the environment. On landfilling with landfill anarobik system will arise in the layers pile leachate and will seep into the soil layers beneath. Leachate is very damaging and can cause a bad smell, but it can be a breeding ground of germs such as: flies, rats and others (Sidik, et al, 1985).

d. Disposal by sanitary landfill, although it can prevent odors, diseases and others, but still allows other emerging issues such as:
- The emergence of gas that can cause air pollution. Gases that might be produced are: methane, H2S, NH3 and others. H2S and NH3 gas albeit small, but can cause unpleasant odors that can damage the respiratory system of the plant and make the lack of oxygen gas plant and eventually die.
- In the process of accumulation, should waste processed first by means destroyed in order to minimize the volume of waste in order to facilitate compression garbage. To do this would need additional work that resulted in additional funds.

3. Use of Incinerator in sewage treatment has several drawbacks, including:
- Generated ash (± 15%) and gases that require further treatment. Besides the gas produced from burning by using the tool can contain a gas pollutant: NOx., SOx and others that can interfere with human health;
- Can lead to dirty water during the cooling process or cleaning process gas from the Incinerator ash or slag. The quality of wastewater from this plant causes the COD increases and pH decreases;
- Requires a huge cost in running Incinerator. To handle the garbage ± 800 tons / day requires an investment of Rp. 60 billion, while sales of electric dihasilkanhanya Rp. 2.24 billion / year;
- It takes a certain expertise in the use of this tool. For example on waste management in Surabaya, this technology has been used since 1990, but without the support of quality human resources who understand the philosophy of this tool, resulting in damage occurred in the second year.
This certainly adds to the burden in obtaining funds for repairs. Not to mention the waste that will accumulate with non-functioning of this tool.
- Use of Incinerator can not stand alone in the destruction of garbage, but still require landfills to dispose of residual combustion;

4. Not to maximum marketing effort for the compost produced from municipal solid waste composting process;

5. Not to maximum effort recycling system into items of high economic value;

6. Difficult to get an extra cost for the improvement of welfare officers involved in handling waste. This certainly will result in low job kegairarahan of the waste manager.

Urban Waste Management Need Modified

Basically the pattern is done with the waste disposal landfill systems (landfills) are no longer relevant in an increasingly cramped urban land and rapid population growth, because if this continues to be maintained will make a city under siege "sea trash" as a result of this pattern of greed to the land and the volume of waste continues to grow. Disposal is done openly and garbage disposal in the open also resulted in increased intensity of pollution. Besides the most disadvantaged and have not felt by the public is the issuance of billions of dollars to create and manage the landfill.Handling of urban waste management model as a whole is included removal of TPA model in the long run because in many cases the management of the landfill (dump) is still very poor ranging from wastewater handling (leachet) to the handling of a very bad odor.The ideal way of settlement in the handling of waste in urban areas is by taking out the trash as well use it so that in addition to cleaning the environment, also generating new uses. It is the economy will reduce the cost of handling (Murthado and Said, 1987).Solutions in addressing the waste problem can be done by increasing the efficiency of all waste management program that began in regional scale (district level), then continued on a wider scale.Community participation in waste management is an important aspect to consider in an integrated waste management system. Cohen and Uphof (1977) suggested that public participation in the development process is divided into four stages, namely: a) participation in the planning stages, b) participation in the implementation phase, c) participation in the utilization stage of development results and d) participation in supervision and monitoring stages. Society always participate to the development processes if there are factors that support, among other things: the needs, expectations, motivation, discipline, facilities and infrastructure needs, boost morale, and the existence of both informal and formal institutions.Community involvement in waste management is one of the technical factors to overcome the problem of urban waste or neighborhoods from year to year are more complex. The Japanese government only takes 10 years to get people to sort garbage. Reduce (reduce), Reuse (use of back), replace (using environmentally friendly materials) and Recycling (recycling) is a model can be applied and the relative economic value. This system is applied on the scale of the region so that minimize the quantity and complexity of waste. This model will be able to cut a long transport chain and the heavy burden of budget. Besides the community together to be included in the management of fishing process and the results are much more optimal than the way the applied current.
Integrated Waste Management Towards Sustainable Development

The volume of waste in large cities, such as in Jakarta, which reached 24 000 to 27 000 m3/day shows that waste management in Jakarta is already at the stage of worrying if not properly managed, where potential conflicts could explode at any time. Therefore it is necessary for a thorough rearrangement of the conception of urban waste management. Urgent and difficult problems to overcome in the community in a big city is a distribution chain that is too long and the pattern of TPA (landfills) are centralized, where if one unit of the problem, then the whole system will be disrupted. Tens of billions spent by the provincial government to handle just rubbish.The concept of waste management plans need to be made with a view to developing a modern waste management system, reliable and efficient with the technology that is environmentally friendly. In such systems must be able to serve all residents, improve public health standards and provide opportunities for communities and the private sector to participate actively. The approach used in the draft waste management plan is "improving waste management systems that can meet the demands of a new paradigm in waste management". For it is necessary to attempt to change the outlook "garbage from the disaster into a blessing." This is important because essentially the trash heap that is sometimes still contain components that are very useful and has a high economic value but due to the mixed randomly so its economic value is lost and even reverse the disaster that can even cause environmental harm.Waste management system being developed should be a management system based on a community that started from the waste management at household level. Every household to separate their garbage into three places (trash) bin. Each filled by organic waste, inorganic recyclable (such as: glass, plastic, metal, paper and so on). Plastic waste is collected and then sent to the industrial processing of plastic waste. Similarly, waste paper is collected and then sent to the paper processing industry. While organic waste composted to put together for later use as agricultural fertilizer. Industrial processing waste materials into raw materials are made on a scale the region, could consist of a district or multiple districts. This is to cut transportation routes in order to become more efficient. From raw materials processing industry and then taken to an even greater that can receive raw materials from each region. In this place of raw materials received from each region is processed into goods of high economic value.The scavenger can be enhanced dignity and status to be permanent partners in the small industrial processing waste materials into raw materials. Funds to pay compensation of employees / officers involved in the cleanliness of the city can be obtained from: dues residents (levy is still being done) plus the benefits resulting from the processing of waste materialsIn the waste management plan needs to be a method of processing waste better, increasing the participation of the institutions involved in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of waste management, improve community empowerment, enhancement of economic aspects that include efforts to improve waste levy and reduce the burden of government funding and increased the legal aspects of waste management.The technology used to solve the garbage problem is a combination of appropriate technologies include composting, handling technology of plastic, recycled paper-making technology. "Integrated Waste Processing Technology towards Zero Waste" should be an environmentally friendly technologies.
To achieve the above must be done several businesses, including:1. Need a paradigm shift from a goal throw reuse for profit;2. Necessary improvements in the management of waste management system as a whole; To achieve success, it needs to be supported by the input factors in the form of facilities, infrastructure and institutional production, distribution, marketing, processing and others.3. Use of compost for city parks in the form of reforestation campaigns with examples of concrete results as promotional efforts on the wider community;4. Compost marketing efforts for the amusement park that needs it. Eg zoos, botanical gardens, fruit gardens and so on.5. Inorganic waste as industrial raw material. Culture of recycling waste in Indonesia has actually been going on since long, but still must continue to be developed, both in terms of infrastructure, technology and in terms of organization system. It is important to be able to enhance the dignity of scavengers.6. It needs to make a binding legal rules that apply to the community in order to follow the rules for the implementation of integrated waste management. This is to familiarize the public mentality as producing waste.


1. The old system of management strategies that rely on transportation systems, disposal and processing into urugan material needs to be changed because it felt very economical (cost center). In addition to operating costs and land require for a great final disposal also raises many impacts that are less favorable for the life of urban communities and societies will grow less concerned about the environment.

2. The most appropriate approach for the future in waste management through an integrated waste management system that can change the paradigm from cost centers into profit centers by memaksimalkam community participation and utilization of waste into materials that mempuyai value.

(Studies in Dusun Kaliwanglu, Harjobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta)

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